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Countries of the World - Map Quiz Game

Current quiz contains 50 countries. You will be randomly asked 30 of them: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Korea, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela, Vietnam.

This quiz game has 3 difficulty levels. Currently you’re on level 1 (the easiest). Before you go to the next level we’d recommend to take other quizzes like “Countries of North America”, “Countries of South America”, “Countries of Europe”, “Countries of Asia”, “Countries of Africa” and “Countries of Australia”. They will help you to prepare for the next levels.

When you’re ready, pass to the second level.

Interesting facts about the World:

  • Shanghai is the biggest city in the world. It has more than 24 millions of citizens. Population of Shanghai is bigger than population of many countries. Only 25% of countries have population bigger than 25 millions.
  • Vatican is a country with the smallest population. It has 842 citizens.
  • The driest place in the world is Atacama Desert (South America). There is only 101 mm of precipitation per thousand years.
  • Southern Sudan is the youngest state. It received independence in 2011 year.
  • London is the most popular city. It has over 18 millions of tourists every year.
  • Honduras is part of the second largest coral reef in the world, after the Great Barrier Reef.
  • The official language of Papua New Guinea is English but in reality inhabitants of this country use more that 820 different languages.